
Casual Friday #20

I've been humming this tune for the past week

and a half and finally had to do something about it. I looked it up on YouTube and got my fill. Of course, now I've moved from humming to singing the damn thing. So in honor of a most rocking intro to a cartoon and a nod to all the reruns of it that I watched as a kid, I bring you... "Underdog."

They really don't do the "opening song with lyrics" thing much anymore. Does anyone remember Top Cat? Flintstones was another classic.
Anyone got any they have a sweet spot for that I can waste a few more hours looking up?


Warren Martineck


Conventions and Commissions Update

I just wanted to let everyone that got on my commissions list know that I'll be starting to dig into it by tonight or tomorrow. The plan is to get through the whole list by the end of next week. (As long as the schedule doesn't go all to hell) I wanted to thank everyone for the great response and can't wait to see how some these come out.

I also wanted to announce that I have 2 scheduled convention appearances coming up. The Philly Non Sports Card Show October 10-11, and the Boston Comic Con October 24-25. A few people have already contacted me about preordering commissions to be picked up at the show and I am taking orders for more of these right now. For more info check out my Sketchcard page or contact me directly about other types of commisions.

Thanks again.

Warren Martineck


Casual Friday #19

I've been in a Pirate mood lately and I get that warm feeling every couple of months. My bookshelf is littered with history books on the subject along with books on Tall Ships, seafaring, and life and history of the Caribbean. I'd like to think of the studying and delving into all that as one of my few hobbies.
I've even written a few stories about pirates, some short, (one long that I'm still working on) most historically based but usually with a fantasy twist to it, just to keep my own greedy mind content. One of the goals I have is to do a Graphic Novel off one of these stories and really put the time and effort into it to make it something special. "Add all the rigging" so to speak.

I've been thinking of one of these stories lately and decided to do a drawing for today that's loosely based off of it.

So here I present, "Cap'm Blood"


Warren Martineck


Sketch cards, Forums, & Commissions (Now Closed)

( 8/21 - The Commissions list is all full and closed to additional commissions for now, thanks to all that contacted me and I will post if any more spaces or time opens up - WM)

I've had a chance to do a few PSC's recently and thought I'd post one that was a little more involved. It's a 9 card PSC Battlestar Galactica puzzle. I've posted it and many other pics, images and Sketch cards from the past few years in a thread of mine at the Scoundrel Art Forum, Warren Martineck, The Works... If you haven't seen it yet, stop by and check it out as I update it on a semi regular basis.

Here's a "Blog exclusive offer" (for now) I know a lot of you have been waiting for. Commissions are now open. I've put a block of time into my schedule for these so get them while you can. Check out my Sketch Card Page for all info about what's offered. You can email me directly about commissions at

That's it for today. I know it's Friday but I'm out of the studio for the rest of the day so you'll just have to wait for next Friday to get casual.


Warren Martineck


Back From A Break, Plus, Casual Friday #18

Where have the posts been? On Vacation with me and the family. It was a long awaited break from work with no Pencil, phone or email contact. Though that might be the last time I do that in this Freelance business.

I've found that it only takes a day or 2 away from drawing to get rusty and I took a whole week off. So, between missing 2 Fridays and being exceptionally rusty and needing something to

warm up on, I decided to dig into some new "old" Cylon badness and add a new posting too.
Starting up cold, I spent more time on this Friday piece than usual, but really needed it. I did a few extra thumbnails to get what I was shooting for.
This was one I originally thought was good, but after looking at it a bit, it wasn't what I was picturing in my head.

*Drawing tip - If your using reference to draw a picture, don't let the reference take over the drawing. Rough it without the reference to get something different and cool, then go back in and touch up details with the reference. Then it becomes your picture, looks accurate, and not like just a copy anyone could have done.
I forgot that when I drew the above pic and redid it with that in mind. I think the final, although not that much different, came out much more interesting.
"Cylon And A Big Gun"
Warren Martineck