
New Look.

... for now.
We'll see how it goes.


The Boston Comic Con Report.

Time for a little review of this past weekends Boston Comic Con.
Having the name "Comic Con" attached to your title is a hard thing to live up to, especially when your only 3 hrs away from New York and there are really big Cons with that in the title. It wasn't as big as the New York Comic Con but it wasn't a small local con either and it's only in it's 3rd year. I have no clue of the numbers that came through the door, but I do know I was busy all weekend. Although Saturday was busier than Sunday, I did equally well for both and was very happy I attended this year. I noticed an large number of costumed patrons at the show and I'm not sure if it had something to do with it being so close to Halloween or from the popularity of it from shows like Dragon Con and San Diego. I was a bit surprised there was little fanfare, reviews, or news about the show before or afterwards. Not even a mention on Newsarama which usually over-covers these types of shows to death.

Other than the last few hours on Sunday, I basically sat at my table drawing all weekend chiseling away at my sign-up sheet and sucking down Diet Pepsi's. Being a comic convention I did more comic sketches than PSC's but it was expected and welcomed. I met a lot of new fans
(which is the whole point of getting out of the studio) and the
commissionees all seemed very happy with what I sent them home with. I missed some and a couple were unrecognizable but here are a few of the commission pics I took, a Clint Eastwood "Hand Em High", and a Jonah Hex.

I also did a color Dark Phoenix
PSC for Bob Almond to go towards the Inkwell Awards funding of a scholarship for the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art in which I attend a few long years ago.
More on this card and how you can get your hands on it in an upcoming post. Bob and I go way back and it's always good to see him and his family and he was only 2 tables over.

Although I didn't get out of the artists room I was set up in, (There were artists everywhere, this room, that room, down the hall, in the hall, and filling up the entryways) I sneaked out every once and awhile to catch a stretch and visit with buds I haven't seen in awhile Like Norman Lee and Mark McKenna. I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to but I got to talk with Walt Simonson for a bit . (Thanks to Jan for taking the pics and yelling at me to smile more.)

Norman Lee and I...

...and here's Mark McKenna who created a great childrens comic called Banana Tails that my son just loved.

The info I got on the next Boston Comic Con, in which yes I have signed up for, is that it's moving to a new and larger place next year. The Westin Boston Waterfront in April. It's much bigger and when you've got names like Jim Lee and Mike Mignola already signed on, you need a big place.
So there it is. A great show and I'm happy to be writing about it now. I've had a good and successful time at the past couple of shows and I've got the convention bug again. So it looks like I'll be hitting up a few more shows this coming year and hopefully hitting places I haven't been to yet.

Until then,

Warren Martineck


Boston Comic Con This Weekend!

Yes, it's the Boston Comic Con this weekend and I will be there both Saturday and Sunday. Much like this past Philly show, It's been a few years since I've done any shows in the Boston area.
From looking at the list of confirmed artists, I'd say this is going to be a big show and I'm really looking forward to it.

Sat 24th:
10:00 am - 5:oo pm
Sun 25th:
10:00 am - 5:oo pm

I'm hoping to get to draw some extra stuff before hand to bring to the show, but at the least I will be taking commissions and have books and limited prints for sale also.
Commissions: I'm also accepting Pre-Orders of commissions for the show. Just email me and I'll have it before the show or at least have you at the top of the sign up sheet.

Hope to see you there.

Warren Martineck


My Philly Show Report.

The Philly show was the first card show I ever attended as an artist in 2000 or 01, back when most people that walked by didn't even know what a sketch card was and I was horse from explaining them over and over again. A lot has changed since then, new and many more faces in front and behind the tables, and a few more grays for many of us. It was great to see familiar faces again and a pleasure to meet new fans, friends, and artists.
It's been a few years since I've done a card show and in that time I've drawn a few hundred more sketch cards to add to the thousands I've already done. For some reason, which my back was asking me about, I felt it necessary to bring everything card related I owned or had a scan of. I also brought along prints and comic stuff but in the end the table was only so big and much of it was relegated to under the table.
They had the artists corralled in a "circling of the wagons" approach and I think it worked well. It was easy to talk with and get to know each other and they all seemed very nice. I was next to Jeff Zapata from Topps who was doing Wacky Pack and Garbage pail kids commissions all weekend and I also got Otis Framptons "Oddly Normal" volumes (which I've still yet to unpack - Thanks Otis). My sign up sheet for commissions was full all weekend long and I'm grateful to anyone that pre-ordered any before the show.
Over all a pretty good weekend and I'd find it hard to complain about anything. But, next time I'll have the batteries in my camera charged so I have more pics to post. Of what I got , above is the best you'll get. Some of the commissions I did I got pics of. And the Conan went to the winner of the "Farthest Traveled Award"... Graham, all the way from the UK. I wish I was able to take pics of them all, I'm going to see if I can track down some scans.

Mecca, Jerusalem, the Wailing wall, the Vatican, the Grand Canyon, and the almighty Philly Non-sport card show. It's that simple. If your a card collector and haven't been to this show, I would put it on your Bucket List. Harris and Frank seem like they've got things worked out pretty well and the show seemed to run very smoothly from my vantage point.
Just go.


Warren Martineck


Philly Non-Sport Card Show This Weekend!

I'm heading out to Pennsylvania for this weekends Philly Non-sport card show in Allentown.
I think it's been almost 5 years since I attended this show and the first time in the new facility.

I've got my pencils sharpened and I'm ready to do some sketches... bring em on. I'm rested up and ready to wreak havoc on the card world!
Sat 10th:
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sun 11th:
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

I'll be there doing commissions all weekend and will also have some limited prints available.
Looking forward to seeing old and new faces this year so stop buy and say hi even if your not buyin'.
Commissions: I'm also accepting pre-ordered commissions for the show but get them in now or it won't be a pre-order anymore.

Warren Martineck