
Casual Friday #14

I can't believe it's Friday already. I got down to the studio this morning, had my caffeine, went over the stuff I should be doing, and grumbled about having to stop everything I'm trying to get done and do the Casual Friday piece. But, after getting some work done, I sidelined and started the Friday drawing and actually got into it. I felt so much better after doing it and I'm glad I took a break and made time for it. Plus now I have something to actually blog about as it's been a slow news/activity week.

I've been working on some different drawing techniques that are new to me as I'm somewhat tired with the way I draw or render stuff. As new card sets start being released, you'll be able to see I've actually been working on new style techniques for awhile and it's still a work in progress. This new Hellboy piece has some hints of things I'm trying out.
Probably more on this in another post.

Casual Friday #14


Warren Martineck


Casual Friday #13

"Cylon Raider"

Ahhh, Casual Friday. If I wore a tie I'd have taken it off already. It has been a long week and desperate times call for desperate measures. To keep my head from rolling all around in a perpetual state trying to avoid falling asleep at my table, I through a shot of 5-Hour Energy in a Diet Coke and had at it. Sometimes chemical happiness is a necessity.

So I'm sitting here at my table, drawing up today's CF piece, and thinking the original idea of keeping these restricted to 1-2 hours a piece is a bit inhibiting. Especially if I can spare some extra time and I really get into a drawing as some of the past pieces I find a bit... I think "rushed" would be a good word. So from now on, I will put as much time into CF's as I can spare.

Todays piece is one I've been wanted to draw for awhile. As cool as so much was on Battlestar Galactica I thought The new Raiders were beyond cool. The lines and design is stellar. I could draw that fighter all day long.

In addition to todays CF, I've also pulled out a old Spiderman 97 Sketchagraph ,with Venom, of the few that I've had for a long time off the shelf, posting, and shamelessly plugging it's Ebay Auction. I'll post the link when it get's on the Bay
I've started posting more auctions lately and plan to keep it up. It'll be a great chance for fans to get some rare sketches and for me to finally make some money directly for myself instead of it all going to the companies or everyone else but me.

Thanks for looking.

...and here's a pic for the Blog.

Warren Martineck


Studio Journal Entry #4: The Computer Backup.

Consider this a reminder!
For anyone that owns a computer, this is one of the most important things you need to do. It's amazing how many stories I hear of people losing all their work, images, files, and everything they had on their computer when it finally decides, (usually without warning) to process it's last megabyte of data and dies a most inconvenient death.
This is one of the worst things that can happen and is a real bitch to deal with afterward. Not counting the delays and $ it will cost, there are already enough things we need to stress out over in a work week.

What I do is give my computers a great big overhaul twice a year. Once in June and once at the end of the year. I go through all my files, organize and/or trash anything not needed anymore and clear the desktop too.
Then I go in and Burn a few back-up DVD's worth of files and images and anything else to have a hard copy and throw it in the safe. I'll then go back in and trash anything else I can, especially large image files. Anything you can do to give your computer a chance to breath and run a little easier is a good thing in my book.

Along with the twice a year cleaning, I also have an external hard drive and regularly (2 or 3 times a week) back up the hard drive. Now with Macs, which is what I have, it's stupid easy with Time Machine. Just turn on the External, the computer does all the work, and your done. So if anything happens between the biannual cleaning, your still covered.

I highly recommend this before it's too late.
Being that time of year again, I'll be doing my computer sometime this week. Can't wait to fill up my trash.
Also, please post any tips or good habits that you have and can add to these!

Warren Martineck


Casual Friday #12

I was wondering if I was going to get to Casual Friday today. I've been rushing around to get extra work done today as my weekend is pretty much booked up with non-work stuff. Not that I'm complaining, it's always nice to take a few days off, but that first day back is a rough one. It takes a bit to get warmed up and into a good rhythm and it only takes a day or 2 off to lose it and get rusty again. Thats why even on "days off' I try to do a little some drawing anyway.

Anyway, I was able to sneak this in as the rest of the fam went out for an hour or 2. Just enough to knock this out.

This being; "Fett"


Warren Martineck


Casual Friday #11

I was looking forward to this one...

Ok, I realize I spent a little more time than just an hour on this, but I didn't want to half-ass the Serenity. I think you can understand.

Another one for the request pile...
"Serenity Now!"


Warren Martineck