
Fame: Kristen Stewart Comic Official Announcement


Bluewater has officially announced the Fame: Kristen Stewart comic on MTV's Splash Page and have previewed both covers and a few pages of my interior art.

~from the article...

Writer Kim Sherman, who has also penned Bluewaters’ Robert Pattinson entry in the series, said that Stewart’s versatility and talent might surprise readers who only know her as Bella.
“For Twilight fans, Kristen Stewart is a woman whom fans long to be and love to hate,” Sherman said. “But Kristen has been in the public eye for years, and her career as a serious actor spans dozens of films over a 10-year period of time. My goal with this biography was to show readers the depth residing in this young woman and the roles she’s beautifully tackled through a series of spot shots, pinups and word art.” 

This cover is by Juanmar Studios (which attaches like a double page spread to the FAME: Robert Pattinson issue) and the alternate cover was done by artist Randy Green. 
It's scheduled for a June release and check out the link above or at the Bluewater site for much more info.
... And you can now pre-order the book here at Amazon. Please do, you'll be helping me out directly if you do. Thanks.


Update 3/19: Well, I was pretty surprised with how quick and how far the news spread about the book and the amount of press it garnered all over the web.  
The NY Daily News even picked it up.

Warren Martineck


Casual Friday #22

  Due to one of those "I just can't get to sleep nights" I had the chance a few days ago to catch Reign Of Fire again on one of the late night movie channels. It had been awhile since I saw it and I remembered just how much I actually liked it and how long it's been since I drew one of my favorite subjects... Dragons. 

  I've been pretty busy lately and I know my mind has needed a break as well as some exercise. So I put the script, comic pages, and commissions aside and went ahead with a long overdue Casual Friday.  

  I've always dreamed of doing a series of drawings or prints with Dragons and this has gotten the ol' juices flowing again. I would love to sit down and really figure out and design what I would think the anatomy and look of what Dragons would be. So I can add this to the list of all the things I want to do and don't have time for. 
  I call this one, "Villiage Aflame"


Warren Martineck


Boston Comic Con

Just wanted to let you guys know, I have a table at Boston Comic Con and will be there both days signing and doing sketches and whatever else anyone can think of. Last years show went really well and this one looks to be much better and some big name talent we be attending this year also.
The show is at a bigger venue this year down on the Waterfront to accommodate the greater number of dealers and artists and the larger number of attendees.

Saturday April 10 2010
Sunday   April 11 2010

I am taking pre-show orders for commissions to help keep my commissions list under control at the show. I would greatly appreciate any pre-show orders.
Check out the Boston Comic Con site for more details and hope to see you there.


Warren Martineck


JLA Artist's Proof Sketch Cards / A Call For Subject Matter

JLA Artist's Proof Sketch Cards
I thought I would post some Artists proof Sketch Cards I did from the recently released Justice League Archives set. For those of you that don't know what an Artist Proof card is, heres a brief explanation. 
Many card companies now give to their sketch card artists a type of bonus in the form of either a "returned card" or "Artist's Proof' card. A returned card is a finished sketch card from a set, returned to the artist so they can sell, keep, or do whatever with it. An Artist's Proof card is a separate blank card with special printing or with "Artist's Proof" printed on the back, given to the artist so they can sell, keep, or do whatever with it. It being blank, the artist can draw whatever he wants on it or be commissioned to do a specific subject. Though they usually have to be approved by the company before being sold. 

Here are a few JLA Artist's Proof cards I've done recently. The first is of a certain GL Guy Gardner mistakingly blocking the path of an enraged Big Barda. Not a good idea.

The second is one of the few puzzle AP's I've ever done of some of the members of the JLA and the JSA attacking one of their favorite villains, Starro. 

These JLA Artist's proofs don't have any special printing on them, we were just given regular blanks.
I do have a few AP's still available if anyone would be interested, just contact me. 

Pathetic Call For Direction
   I've been a busy boy lately with a few commissions kicking around and penciling a fully rendered comic. When I get deep into work like I am now and it becomes a slow news time, I sometimes find I have very little imagination for other things... like what to post on my Blog. Seriously, (pointing to head) there's nothing going on up here! I do so much better when asked a direct question or whatever. 

 I know Casual Friday was a favorite among many of you, but until I get back on or ahead of schedule, I've put that on hold for a bit. 
So, if there is anything any of you guys would be interested in me talking about, posting, things you'd rather be reading about here, artwork, how to's,  my take on life, whatever. Let me know here, or email me.  



Warren Martineck


Happy New Year / Studio Journal Entry #5

 It's 5:41 in the morning, I'm trying to shake off the cotton-headed sleepiness, and my Itunes has decided to play an odd mix of Loreena McKennitt and Tenacious D. Odder still is I find I don't really mind.
It may be a belated "Happy New Year" to the rest of you but for me it came over the weekend. No, I don't have a hang over, but I do finally have that feeling of a definitive ending and clear beginning. It's something that I found to be a rare occurance as a Freelancer with jobs, life, and all the stuff on your "to do" list that seems endlessly intertwining. But, this past weekend was wonderfully different.

  I've been working on the Marvel 70th Anniversary card set for the past few months researching, referencing, and rendering 150 Sketch card case incentives. Although I was hoping to get them done by the end of the year, On the whole, this retrospective of a card collection was coming out really good (if I do say so myself) and I didn't want the last few to look rushed. But I finally finished them up and shipped them off this weekend.

 I didn't have a pressing follow-up job that I might have been already late in starting, albeit I was working on putting something together, so this gave me the chance to get to my year end office work.
My computer desperately needed a cleaning and I spent most of one morning and a lunch time filing, burning, transferring, and trashing over 2000 files. Posted here for more on that process.
(would "Bi-annual" mean twice a year or once every 2 years?)

  I then attacked my studio. I had 3 jobs, a bunch of commissions, and about 2-3 months worth of paperwork, convention excess, and piles of reference scattered across every open space, shelf, or floor board available. I spent the rest of the weekend getting most of it organized or put in it's place. I rearranged the room a bit and put up a new handy "within reach" reference book shelf, vacuumed, dusted & Swiffered the whole studio.
      Weekends off are tiring.
  So now I'm sitting here in a perfectly clean and organized space ready to take on the challenges of a new year. That even sound better since some of my caffeine has started kicking in.

  Now being ready to start some new work, amongst the few commissions I will be getting to shortly, I just recently signed on to pencil an issue of Blue Water Productions "Fame:" comics line. It will be based around Kristen Stewart, most notably from the Twilight movies, and I believe will be issue #2. I've already got some script to work with and will start referencing it today.

Here's to a good start for the New Year and I hope yours will be safe and prosperous.


Warren Martineck