
Fame: Taylor Lautner Comic Official Announcment

Bluewater has officially announced the Fame: Taylor Lautner comic on MTV's Splash Page and have previewed the alternate cover I did for the issue and a few pages of my interior pencils and the colors for the first 3 pages.

~from the article...      Arriving on shelves in August from Bluewater Productions, "Fame: Taylor Lautner" promises to chronicle the once-unknown actor's meteoric rise in Hollywood, including his pre-"Twilight" years and upcoming roles.

As you can see above, ClevverTV.com has a news vid about it. (Full shot on their site btw)

I'm currently working on the pencils and it is taking up most of my time which is why I haven't been posting as regularly as usual.

It's scheduled for an August release and you can now pre-order the book here at Amazon.
check out the MTV link above or at the Bluewater site for much more info.


Warren Martineck


Marvel 70th Artist's Proofs Pre-Order Open (Updated 5/10)

I've received word on how many Artist's Proofs I will be getting for the Marvel 70th Anniversary set and I am taking pre-orders now and filling up the slots. I'll be getting more than usual so there's more slots open and the price will be more reasonable than past sets and is as follows:
(These prices are for full color, just pencils or inks would be cheaper)

Base cost, 1 character: $225
Each additional character: +$20
Puzzle Cards: +$20 for each card.
Other special requests negotiable.

You can contact me directly at artwork@warrenmartineck.com to ask any questions or to reserve your spot while they're available.

I should be getting these within the next week or so and would start on the list shortly thereafter.

Whatever you order for a subject on your AP, know that the only requirement is that the card will have a corresponding year on it as I did on all the regular cards in the set. You can go here to this posting where i have them posted to see more details.



UPDATE 5/3: Slots filled quick over the weekend, only a few left. 
UPDATE 5/4: All slots are now filled, thanks everyone!
UPDATE 5/6: I have a new open slot as of today! Get it while it's open!
UPDATE 5/10: Again... All slots are now filled, thanks everyone!
Warren Martineck


Boston Comic Con Wrap Up


 I know it's been almost a week since the show but I had to get a few commissions left over from the Con that I wanted to hold off for the posting.
 As with any Convention, it's great to get out of the studio and head out to meet new people, fans, other artists, and friends I haven't seen in awhile. It's about the people, and there was a LOT of people. Although Saturday morning seemed slow, there was a steady stream of people walking and stopping by the table all weekend long. Being in this new larger facility was awesome, even with the greater number of people, there was more "breathing room". I heard that one or maybe both of the days they were pushing the limits of the shows fire codes. Nice.

I talked with a lot of people that stopped by to check out my stuff and to say hi or ask about my work. I think there are a few art schools in the Boston area as I met a bunch of the students that were walking around, checking out artwork, and asking questions and getting advice from other artists. I must have gone over 7 or 8 portfolios.

  I was doing sketches for the entirety of the show and only took a few breaks. Thanks to my buddy Steve for sitting in for a few minutes on Saturday and my Wife and son came on Sunday to help out a bit and enjoy the festivities. I didn't get pics of all the sketches that went out but I do have a few things to show. Some were just quickies or an occasional fast freebie for kids and I had some repeat customers from last year that wanted something new to add to their collections.

  Gripe moment: I have to ask.... what is up with all the charity requests lately? I did 3 Sat and Sunday morning and then had to turn down 2 more after that. It was getting ridiculous. I've also been getting them online more frequently lately. I don't mind doing one every once and awhile for charities I've heard of or from people that I know but you have to draw the line somewhere. (pun intended) I will have to think about and come up with a guild line to follow for doing these charity pieces from now on. Gripe moment over.

On to some pics and art posting!
This one is of my son. He has just recently gotten into Star Wars and the 501st was there at the show. Along with being wide eyed at the clone troopers walking around, he thought it was the coolest thing watching R2 zip by the table. So We got a pic with the droid.

Spiderman requests were popular as I found myself drawing him all weekend and had a few Spidey's as pre orders. Here are a few.

Here's one of the charity sketches that Granite Con was collecting in a sketch book to be auctioned off next year for the Make a Wish Foundation.

Some after show commissions that I just finished up today, A Hulk and Deadpool.
(It's so much easier when I have a scanner handy)                                                                                      


 I'm always happier with the ones I can spend a bit more time on...

So it was a busy weekend, I was pretty horse by Sunday night and took Monday off and slept like a bear the next day.
But it was fun.


Warren Martineck



Marvel 70th Anniversary Card Set Release

The Marvel 70th Anniversary Card set is being released this Wednesday 4/14/10. Along with a few samples here in this post, and eventually in my comicspace galleries, I've exclusively posted scans of all my sketchcards over at the Scoundral Art Forum in the Martineck Marvel Retrospective thread.

 These cards will be released as the 6-case incentives.  Each card depicts origins, first issues, characters, scenes, monumental issues, or moments historically important or relevant for each of Marvels 70 years. I only did 150 cards so it wasn't easy narrowing down all that could have been done and a few things or characters had to be passed over. "Whata ya gonna do." As you can see each card is dated and in full color. 

Also, there are a few puzzle cards slipped in here and there in the set, but with the dating format, it was pretty difficult. Here's one:


Warren Martineck


Casual Friday #23

 Ok, I actually started this piece awhile ago and had it roughed out and laying on my desk for a few weeks. I'm just starting a cover for the next comic I'm penciling (more on that later) and I thought a little warm up before I started was in order. So out comes this character sketch and I sent the graphite flowing. I spent a bit more time on this than my usual Friday sketch but I just got lost in the picture. Before I knew it, it was a few hours later.
 I'm all warmed up now though. SO that's a good thing.



Warren Martineck