
Yeah, This Is A Tough Job.

 I'm finally back to working on the Fame: Taylor Lautner comic after a vacation and a few other small jobs that  needed to get out. Luckily, the Fame book has a nice extended deadline I can work around and there are only a few pages left to draw.
 Like the Kristen Stewart book, which I believe comes out at the end of this month, there are a few pages that reference the Twilight series. Including one page that has a scene from the new movie Eclipse just released this past week. So I packed up a clip board, paper, and a pencil, and headed off to a matinee.  I figured of all the pages I need to get right, it's the Twilight ones. Because I know there are a lot of "fans" out there that would call me on it if I get them wrong or have something off. And, as a general rule, I like to think if your going to do something, do it right the first time.

  There I am, sitting in the middle of the movie theater, taking notes and doing really quick sketches and thinking... "this is the job for me." Where I get to go to the movies and draw for work.

  Now I'll just match up the script, my sketches, notes, and images I've already downloaded and I should be able to come up with some artwork I'm happy with and feel comfortable knowing I've gotten it right.

So there's a brief look into one of my days. Just a few more pages and I should have this book wrapped up.


Warren Martineck


Back From The Road

 Ahhhh, Vacation. Yes, every once in awhile something like this happens around here. The family gets together, packs up some clothes and such, and heads off to far away lands and leaves work far behind.

Don't look at me, it wasn't my idea. But I gave it a whirl and left work behind. 
  Now back at work, The studio is still a mess from the last few jobs, I'm tired, rusty, I'm almost 2 weeks behind schedule and I have a ton of computer work still to get to. Have you ever had so much to do you don't know where to start?
At least we had a pretty good time, but I'm very happy to be back to work. Which is what I'm going to do right now. 


p.s. Those in line for AP's or that are in my schedule for something, yes, I will be getting to those. I promise.

Warren Martineck


Spider-man Venom Commission Update

Back in April, I posted a bunch of Commissions I did for the Boston ComicCon. One was a 5 x 10 pencil sketch of Venom v Spider-man (shown below). It was a single panel as part of a jam page this guy was putting together and getting various artists to contribute to. He got Norman Lee to ink my panel. Norm got around to sending me a scan of it after he was done and I thought I'd share it.
 So here they are, penciled and inked.

Nice to see it all cleaned up without my scribbling all over it.
Thanks Norm!

Another short and sweet.


Warren Martineck


Lightning Whip Artwork

 I had a few minutes to get to a couple of pieces from a long list of artwork I've been meaning to get to for awhile. These are pics of a D&D type Battle/Mages' main weapon/staff. It's a chain whip that can be "lit up" with Lightning type spells.


Scorpius, lit up.

Short and sweet.


Warren Martineck


Inkwell Awards Comes Through

  Awhile back, I posted about a PSC I did that was being auctioned off for the Inkwell Awards and the Scholarship fund they were running with the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art. Last month during the Kuberts School 2010 Scholarship Ceremony, Carli Idhe became the first recipient of the Dave Simmons Inkwell Memorial Scholarship Fund.
  Below is a pic of Carli with other student scholarship winners, and a few Kuberts over there on the end.
Check out the Scholarship page from Bob Almond and the Inkwell Awards for more pics, info, and a write up of the ceremony and the Awards.

 I've done a bunch of "charity" sketches and artwork in the past (there's never a shortage of charity requests) and most I never hear from again. But it's nice to see the results of your efforts every once in awhile.

Congrats to Carli, nice job to all the fans that bid on all the great artwork, and kudos to The Inkwell Awards for coming through.


Warren Martineck