Marvel 70th Artist's Proofs Pre-Order Open (Updated 5/10)

I've received word on how many Artist's Proofs I will be getting for the Marvel 70th Anniversary set and I am taking pre-orders now and filling up the slots. I'll be getting more than usual so there's more slots open and the price will be more reasonable than past sets and is as follows:
(These prices are for full color, just pencils or inks would be cheaper)
Base cost, 1 character: $225
Each additional character: +$20
Puzzle Cards: +$20 for each card.
Other special requests negotiable.
You can contact me directly at to ask any questions or to reserve your spot while they're available.
I should be getting these within the next week or so and would start on the list shortly thereafter.
Whatever you order for a subject on your AP, know that the only requirement is that the card will have a corresponding year on it as I did on all the regular cards in the set. You can go here to this posting where i have them posted to see more details.
UPDATE 5/3: Slots filled quick over the weekend, only a few left.
UPDATE 5/4: All slots are now filled, thanks everyone!
UPDATE 5/6: I have a new open slot as of today! Get it while it's open!
UPDATE 5/10: Again... All slots are now filled, thanks everyone!
Warren Martineck
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