
I've begun My Backlog Of Commissions

  Yes, It's true! I know many of you probably can't believe it, but it's really true. My apologies to all that have had to wait longer than I hoped or when I said I could get to them. Stuff always seems to come up that your not expecting and always seems to take longer to get done that you would like.  I really need to stop giving quotes as to when the commissions will get done, that's a guarantee I won't be able to do it by the time I say.
  Anyway, here's one from the list I can show, an Uncut Silver Age of the Silver Surfer and Family. It's kind of a snapshot of Norrins troubled and tragic past. Featuring Elmar-Radd, Jartan-Radd, Fennan-Radd, and Shalla-Bal with his home planet Zenn-La in the background.

 More to come as I get them done and get approvals.


Warren Martineck


CECE Promo Card #8... and Finished.

Well, here it is. All finished, finally.
Yes, that took forever. That'll happen when your learning as you go but, I don't think it came out so bad. I would like to have had more time to fuss around with it, like tones and color variations to help pop the main character more, but maybe next time.
 I'll probably have prints made up for this as well to bring to the con and have up for sale in a few weeks.

It's been fun


Warren Martineck


CECE Promo Card #7

Tuesday, 2:00 pm
  Well, I think I've got most of the minor Flats all done at this point. Although I'm sure I'll be altering some of the color choices, I've been told not to worry about the Flat colors too much. I tend to dwell on colors right off the bat and worry about them the whole time.

Anyway, there's not much left to do before I start going in with details. This is the fun part.


Warren Martineck


CECE Promo Card #6

Tuesday 11:00 am
  Ok, I was a little slow getting up today but I've got the ball moving and I've got  a few good hours in already.

I remembered Shard has a big Scorpion tattoo on his back so I designed and drew that separately and I'll add it as an overly later on in the color process. This is only my second or third thing I've colored on the computer and a few months since the last one, so your not getting any Artist's tips from me on this one. I've got my How to Color Comics reference book open to help remind me how to do this correctly and speed up the process.
Up to this point I've got all my main Flats in and I'm ready to continue on.

 I would love to have used this piece as a practice subject to learn how to digitally paint, as that's what I'm really interested in learning. But this has to ship out at some point.


Warren Martineck


How-To #5; CECE Promo Card #5

Monday 4:30 pm

  My work day seems to be based around meals, snacks, and food. Mexican strikes again as I just enjoyed a great snack of nachos. With a Diet Mountain Dew chaser to counter the effects of getting up at an unholy hour.

  Here's the scan of the card now fully Inked. I mostly used a brush and various sizes of Microns and now it's ready for the next stage. From here on in it will all be computer work.

  I will need to take a break at this point as the clock is telling me real life needs to start happening soon. I hope to get back to this tonight and maybe get one more post in before bed.

Until then...


Warren Martineck