Yeah, This Is A Tough Job.

I'm finally back to working on the Fame: Taylor Lautner comic after a vacation and a few other small jobs that needed to get out. Luckily, the Fame book has a nice extended deadline I can work around and there are only a few pages left to draw.
Like the Kristen Stewart book, which I believe comes out at the end of this month, there are a few pages that reference the Twilight series. Including one page that has a scene from the new movie Eclipse just released this past week. So I packed up a clip board, paper, and a pencil, and headed off to a matinee. I figured of all the pages I need to get right, it's the Twilight ones. Because I know there are a lot of "fans" out there that would call me on it if I get them wrong or have something off. And, as a general rule, I like to think if your going to do something, do it right the first time.
Like the Kristen Stewart book, which I believe comes out at the end of this month, there are a few pages that reference the Twilight series. Including one page that has a scene from the new movie Eclipse just released this past week. So I packed up a clip board, paper, and a pencil, and headed off to a matinee. I figured of all the pages I need to get right, it's the Twilight ones. Because I know there are a lot of "fans" out there that would call me on it if I get them wrong or have something off. And, as a general rule, I like to think if your going to do something, do it right the first time.
There I am, sitting in the middle of the movie theater, taking notes and doing really quick sketches and thinking... "this is the job for me." Where I get to go to the movies and draw for work.
Now I'll just match up the script, my sketches, notes, and images I've already downloaded and I should be able to come up with some artwork I'm happy with and feel comfortable knowing I've gotten it right.
So there's a brief look into one of my days. Just a few more pages and I should have this book wrapped up.
Warren Martineck
Kristen Stewart,
Taylor Lautner,

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