
Justice League of America Sketches

One of the sets I've been working on lately that I haven't been able to talk about has been the Justice League of America set.
I've finally seen some official release info on this upcoming set and it's now mentioned in a few forums, plus I have a bit more info on it as well for my part. (These pics I believe were from Previews or something like it)

I finished up my cards for this a few weeks ago and did 2oo for the set, which I've been told have all been approved. You can see one of the Hawkman I did in the ad below. I normally try to keep my numbers to 150 sketches or less per set (especially for all full color cards) but I thought I'd try a 3 card puzzle, something like I did with the Xena card set back in 2004. The JLA version will be a full color 14 member team shot across 3 cards. I made 9 sets of this puzzle to make it a bit easier to get one. That's the theory anyway.
The ads have a release date of July but I haven't heard anything to confirm it.
Also, yes, as far as I know I will be getting Artist's Proof for this set and will make them available.
Speaking of which, I have my only X-men Origins - Wolverine Artist's Proof available right now on the Bay if anyone is interested.

Thats all for now.

Warren Martineck


Casual Friday #7

I'm a bit on the tired side, so I'm going to keep this short. Not even sure what this is. I was originally planning a Unicorn for this week, and then do a Dark Unicorn for next week. Somehow the Unicorn ended up looking like this... That's Casual Friday for ya.
So, I'm calling this "Dark Centaur".

Now off to a well deserved rest.

Nighty night.


Casual Friday #6

Hey look at this, I was able to sneak in a Casual Friday image after all. I'm cheating a little as this image of Wolverine, that I drew this morning, was going to be for a 2-piece Wolverine sketch card puzzle that I was planning on doing up for the X-men set I'm currently trying to finish. You can even see the tick marks where the cards would meet in the middle. I was hoping to do a bunch of these for the set but got a little carried away with the detail and realized there was no way I was doing all that a bunch of times over for just sketch cards.
So, here it is as just an art piece.



Warren Martineck


X-Men Origins: Wolverine Card Set (Part 2)

As promised, here's the link to the Wolverine Galleries.

Back to work, almost done, can't wait to take a day off.



X-Men Origins: Wolverine Card Set

Rittenhouse is releasing an X-Men Origins Wolverine Card set on 4/29/09. More info can be seen here at the Wolverine Page. I was able to squeeze in a few sketches to be included in the set. A few meaning 26, I thought that was a nice number. Enough has been posted by Rittenhouse now, that I can post this with a few more details. Here's my checklist for those of you that always email me for it.


As you can see by the sample pic of "Sabretooth" I've tried a different style for these as I needed to change things up a bit just to keep myself interested and get you guys something different to look at. I will post all the images in my ComicSpace Gallery after the release date. (I actually did 27 cards, but the first one I did, trying out a new style and failing miserably, came out so horrendously that I had to put it out of it's, and my, misery. It was chucked.)

On a separate note, I was really enjoying doing those Casual Friday drawings, but I'm closing in on a heavy and tight deadline for the X-Men set and need every minute of time I can get to meet it. It may be a few weeks before anything gets "casual" around here.
