
Work and NYCC

"Where've you been?"  "Working my ass off, that's where."

That was the gist of a brief email conversation I had the other day and it accurately describes my past few weeks. 
  I had finished up most of my freelance work, as planned, in late September and didn't have anything scheduled for afterward. So I got to jump on all the commissions I had piling up and finished the majority of them. Although I still had a few to get to , I also planned on doing up new artwork for showing around the New York Comic Con as getting real work is the main priority.  In the process of doing that work, I agreed to take on another Penciling gig for Bluewater and finally said yes to be on an upcoming sketch card set to help fill in the future schedule. But, 2 or 3 days before the Con, Mike Lilly contacted me about Inking an Antony and Cleopatra Graphic Novel he was penciling and he really needed help. So I was on board for that too and found my schedule completely full until January and I hadn't even left for NYCC yet. 
  Which brings to this short concentrated review of the con: Awesome. 
It was extremely busy, had tons of people, and left me pretty damn tired. I basically spent 2 days walking around seeing friends I haven't seen for awhile, meeting artists, hitting up various publishers, book pushers, dealers, and showing my stuff around. It went better than I expected and I even added to my current workload with publishers that wanted to see more. 
  So that's where I've been, putting in some double overtime trying to get everything done. It's working pretty good and I've got a good pace going. Unfortunately I've had to put off a few of those remaining commissions and updating my Website, which I originally had in the schedule for right now, is again on the back burner.     

Next: Filling a visual request.

Actively looking for an assistant.

Warren Martineck


Star Wars Sketch cards and Collectors Expo Wrap Up. ...And 100th Post

   Yes, that's right, 100th post, and for me, that's something. (I'll post more about that at another time)

Getting right to it, I just thought I'd say a few words about this past CECE convention in Chicago. I was there all 3 days, although Sunday was short for me as I had a plane to catch. It was a really good show and I had a great time seeing friends and people I haven't seen in awhile or have even met before. I sat next to John Czop who I haven't seen in ages and the Tosers were behind us. (These show pics were supplied by Harris from Nonsport Update, Thanks Harris!) It was a fun section. The second pic Randy Martinez stopped by and chatted for awhile. It was cool meeting him and Denise Vasques, and all the other artists were very friendly as well. The Celebrity dinner and presentations were very cool too and I'm so glad I went. I can't recommend this show enough, you have to attend.

   A special thank you goes out to Paul and Diane (and Cherie).  True class acts and some of the best people I have the honor of calling friends. They really know how to treat their guests and make you feel like your not just another name on a list. Most conventions I'm stuck behind my table the whole time, I don't eat well, I don't get much sleep, and I'm a waste product by the time it's over. This show is different and they make sure you eat and they go out of their way to get you what you need when you need it. On top of that, what they do for charity work is down right moving. The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation work they did and auction they had set up was inspirational. Thank you for being such good people.

  Speaking of the Charity Chest auction, here are the Sketch cards I did for the Treasure Chests. Working with Topps, they were able to get the OK to do official Star Wars images on the sketches. Seeing as how I've never done any before I thought this was a good time to start.

  So for all the emails asking me to post them, here are the 9 Star Wars cards I did for it.  

Hope you enjoyed them.


Warren Martineck


AT-AT's are cool

This is just cool.

AT-AT day afternoon from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo.

I still have mine in a box in the closet. Makes me want to break it out and go play in the yard.



Chicago CECE Convention Next Weekend.

This is a reminder that I'll be attending the (CECE) Chicagoland Entertainment Collectors Expo being held on Sept 9th-12th 2010. I will have many items for sale and will be taking commissions all weekend. I'll be selling items like prints and sketches and will also be making available Sketch cards from my personal collection. All from many of the sets I've worked on over the years.
Specifically, where & when I'll be: (times may vary)
Friday Sept 10;
  Con; 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday  Sept 11 -
  Charity Celebrity Breakfast 8:00 am - 9:00 am (Tentative)
  Con; 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
  Charity Celebrity Dinner 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm (Tentative, I may do just the dinner or the breakfast)
Sunday Sept 12
  Con: 9:00 am - (between 12:00-2:00 pm)

Contact me now if you have any questions or want to pre-order a commission, I'll take as many as I can handle with the time and the work load that I have before the con.

Thanks to those who have contacted me already and hope to see the rest of you there.


Warren Martineck


Fame: Kristen Stewart Released... and Instantly Sells Out.

"Fame: Kristen Stewart" One Day Sell-Out"

  Ok, maybe not instantly, but one day is still pretty good if you ask me. Though I don't know when, I do believe there will be a second printing of this book that I did the Pencils on. In the mean time, there will be a flip book released next month with both issues of the Robert Pattinson edition and the Kristen Stewart Fame issues back to back. Order at Amazon here.


Update: I've been asked if I will be selling my original Penciled pages for the Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner books. Yes. I'm working on updating my website and will have a page just for this purpose.  I will need to hold off selling the Taylor pages until the book is released.
I will post here when everything is up.

Update #2: No, sold-out doesn't mean no longer available. It just means that all the copies printed are reserved or accounted for.  You can still get them at comic shops or book stores or wherever they are sold, it's just that if the stores run out, they can't reorder any.
Thanks again.

Warren Martineck