Work and NYCC

"Where've you been?" "Working my ass off, that's where."
That was the gist of a brief email conversation I had the other day and it accurately describes my past few weeks.

Which brings to this short concentrated review of the con: Awesome.
It was extremely busy, had tons of people, and left me pretty damn tired. I basically spent 2 days walking around seeing friends I haven't seen for awhile, meeting artists, hitting up various publishers, book pushers, dealers, and showing my stuff around. It went better than I expected and I even added to my current workload with publishers that wanted to see more.
So that's where I've been, putting in some double overtime trying to get everything done. It's working pretty good and I've got a good pace going. Unfortunately I've had to put off a few of those remaining commissions and updating my Website, which I originally had in the schedule for right now, is again on the back burner.
Next: Filling a visual request.
Actively looking for an assistant.
Warren Martineck

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