"The Fundraiser For Computer Equipment Advancement" Studio Journal Entry #6

"The Fundraiser For Computer Equipment Advancement"
This isn't a national telethon or anything, it's just a small campaign to get new computer equipment to an individual freelance artist. (that would be me) As my system has really been showing it's age and limitations as of late and I'm finding myself doing and planning on doing more and more digital tomfoolery, it's turning into a necessity to do a decent upgrade.
So, I've scheduled in some massive overtime, pulled a lot of hard to find items out of storage, started putting them up on Ebay, and plan on opening up for commissions as soon as I get all my Artist's Proof sketches completed. I also have plans to open up a For Sale page here on my website and will post when I get to that.
For now, I'll just keep plugging away at the drawing table and post a pic of this little Spider-Man 97 Sketchagragh of Spidey vs Venom I have up on Ebay.
Heres an advanced thank you for anyone helping me out with this.
Warren Martineck

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