Marvel Dangerous Divas Artist Proofs Now Available

I did finally get in my Artist's proof blanks in last week for the Dangerous Divas set and I'm now taking orders and starting to fill in slots. Below is the breakdown of prices and what's offered. Although all of the cards I did for the set are puzzles, I'm offering these up individually. If you want a puzzle, you'll have to ask for it.
(These prices are for full color, just pencils or inks would be cheaper)
Base cost, 1 character: $225
Each additional character: +$20
Puzzle Cards: +$20 for each card in the puzzle.
I'm always open to other special requests and all is negotiable.
You can contact me directly at (email) to ask any questions or to reserve your spot(s) while they're available. First come first served. ETA for getting these finished and sent out is within 3 weeks. (although I'm shooting for less than 2 weeks)
I will update this posting as slots fill up.
Update: (4/19) Almost all slots filled. Only 2 left
Last Update (4/19) All slots filled up. No more left.
Warren Martineck
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