A Few More Requested Scans... Complete Avengers Subsets

Since I've started posting some of these older cards I've drawn and also that I've cancelled my account on the now worthless ComicSpace which held all my Galleries, I've been getting a bunch of requests to post more and more scans here on my blog. As cool as that is, I've decided to set up a special gallery section on my website where I'll post everything there.
Also, now that I've finally finished all my Sketches for the Marvel Dangerous Divas set, working on my website is officially in my schedule. I'm gonna give this a whirl, rework my whole site, and cross my fingers that I can come up with something that doesn't suck.
Complete Avengers Sketch card Subsets :
Darkness Gallery & Covers
Warren Martineck
Sketch Cards,
Trading cards,

Reader Comments (2)
Yay for galleries on your website AND a updated website :) BOO for the extra time it takes :(
Thanks, I know I'm excited. It's been along time since it's been updated and I'm reconfiguring it so it's much easier for me to keep it regularly updated.