CECE Promo Card Development #1

As I think I've mentioned in an earlier post, I will be attending the the Chicagoland Entertainment Collectors Expo (aka; CECE & the Nonsportcard Expo) for this years 10th Anniversary show. I did this show back in 2003, had a great time, and I'm really looking forward to returning for another go. (Gas up the van Cherie!)
One of the aspects of the show is you get to design or supply them artwork and they will print up your own promo card in advance of the show to be given away when the show is open.
Here is the one I did for the 2003 show.
It's not often I get to post about jobs I'm working on or that are in development because more often than not, the companies won't let you show any artwork, post or talk about details until stuff is officially announced. But with this promo, I thought I'd post about the whole process while it's happening... because I can.
So I need to get some full color artwork done, "non licenced" and something original of my own creation, and sent in by the end of July so they have time to print up the cards. I'll probably also need to come up with some kind of description and/or bio for the back of the card. I hate writing those things.
At this point I have no clue what I'm going to do.
...and that's about as much time as I'm putting into it right now as I need to get back to work and finish this comic first. But I will be posting further about this as I progress and keeping this up to date.
p.s. Not that I'll do whatever anyone chimes in with, but if there are any suggestions out there, feel free to add your $.02. (email or post)
p.p.s. I thought I'd also post the Promo card I did from the Philly Show. "Cap'm Blood"
Warren Martineck

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