As you may or may not have heard, I've been working on Rittenhouse Archives Marvel Greatest Heroes Trading Card set. (See my last post about their Artist of the Day promotion for a bunch of the artwork) It's set for a March 14 2012 release and from what I've seen It's shaping up to be a really nice set.
My Sketchcards will be the 9 - Case Incentive cards in which I've been asked quite alot about the Sketches. Due to popular demand, an amazing response from my Marvel 70th cards, and a direct request from on high...(Rittenhouse) I have returned to the dating of the cards theme.
Much like the Marvel 70th cards , I was limited to only 150 or so cards. With the long history of The Avengers, it wasn't easy to narrow down the list of everything I needed / wanted to draw and still have a well paced and even handed representation of all the years. Like all comics, some years are much more history packed than others and I tried not to let the "leaner" years suffer. There were many cards and characters I couldn't fit on the list without taking away from other areas. That being said, I was really happy with the way these cards came out. I spent more time on them than I planned, but I got in a groove and I went with it.
Whatdja draw?Whatdja draw?Whatdja draw?... That was the most asked question. Unfortunately, I just finished my cards late last week and I know they haven't all been approved yet so I can't show any until I get the ok. You'll just have to be a little more patient. I will post as soon as I can. But I can give some details.
The Avengers is a team, and I drew ALOT of Team cards. (Another thing that slowed me down a bit) Again, I dated them all, as you can see in this detail, but this time on the upper right side. I tried to get the most important 1rst appearances of characters, last appearances of charcters (i.e, Deaths) new team formations, and tried to pick the most important moments to represent each year or at least the most interesting to draw and to spread off into most of the spin-off Avengers titles. (I would have liked to have had another 50 cards to work with) There were a few puzzles and yes... there is one puzzle piece that matches to another past set. (I will not help, you're on your own)
There it is, I will update this when I can and I appreciate all the emails. Thanks
Warren Martineck