Today kinda snuck up on me. I've been trying to catch

up on a lot of things in the studio, and out, that I've been putting off for the last month or 2. This week ripped by and if it wasn't for an email I got today mentioning my Casual Fridays, I would have completely forgotten.
But I sat down after dinner, pulled out my portable drawing board, hit the couch, and started working out a wispy sort of spectral figure.
So, here is The Spectre. I've always liked this character, he's really cool to draw and in my head I came up with about 13 different ways or scenes I would liked to have drawn him in. But this "screaming out of the mist" was the first one I went for.
Not that I have a shortage of characters I would like to draw, but feel free to comment on characters or ships or whatever you might want to see me draw. I realize CF's are meant for things I want to draw, but you never know...
Warren Martineck