Casual Friday #8

Today kinda snuck up on me. I've been trying to catch

up on a lot of things in the studio, and out, that I've been putting off for the last month or 2. This week ripped by and if it wasn't for an email I got today mentioning my Casual Fridays, I would have completely forgotten.
But I sat down after dinner, pulled out my portable drawing board, hit the couch, and started working out a wispy sort of spectral figure.
So, here is The Spectre. I've always liked this character, he's really cool to draw and in my head I came up with about 13 different ways or scenes I would liked to have drawn him in. But this "screaming out of the mist" was the first one I went for.
Not that I have a shortage of characters I would like to draw, but feel free to comment on characters or ships or whatever you might want to see me draw. I realize CF's are meant for things I want to draw, but you never know...
Warren Martineck
Casual Friday,
DC Comics,

Reader Comments (3)
I love seeing more of your work posted and look forward to Fridays where I can see your Casual Friday pieces. If you're truly looking for suggestions, I'd love to see the ship "Serenity" from Firefly & Serenity. Other ideas - Titan's Tower (Teen Titans in the 80s & 90s) or the classic Legion of Super-Heroes buildings.
I agree, Casual Fridays are really cool and I wouldn't say no to more posted artwork. Spiderman or anything comic based is always good. Maybe some Battlestar galactica or classic Star Wars.
Just keep it coming.
Thanks for the input. Good suggestions too. I've got a few ideas going through the old noggin already.
I'll see what I can do about posting more pics that haven't seen the light of day yet. Hmmm, may have to raid the filing cabinet sometime.