Sketchcard Gallery Update: Marvel Greatest Battles

Now that the Marvel Greatest Battles set has been released and I've found a few minutes to post some pics, I've got (almost) all of my 9-case incentive cards now posted in my Sketchcard Gallery. They are all full color 4-card puzzles and they were all released uncut. Most have 2 figures with a "Comic page" background, but a few had more characters and needed more room... they got a regular background.
If the 2 Secret Wars Sketchcards look familiar, I did 2 very similar Sketches for the Bronze Age release and got a very good response. These were done due to popular demand and because I heard a few "complaints" that they were hard to get, so I did these new ones to give a few more chances, just a bit updated and I fixed little things that bothered me about the first set.
Enjoy the visuals.
Warren Martineck

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