Vacation, Work, Commissions, Galleries, yadda yadda...

It's been a long time since my last posting because of a long awaited and well needed 2 week vacation and the pre-vacation 2 week work crunch to get as much work done as I could beforehand. It was great putting the pencil down for awhile but I must admit, by the end, I couldn't wait to get back to work.
Now that I am back at work, I'm slowly getting caught up on my backlog of commissions and AP's and all the other stuff I need to get done. While I'm thinking of it, Thanks to all that have been patiently waiting for their commissions and approvals. I will be getting to all active commissions before my next gig starts. I do have a secondary commission waiting list with a number of names on it and if there is any time left, I will be digging in to that also. I've had emails inquiring about Vampirella AP's. Yes, I do have them, no I don't know if I will actually have the time to do any, which bugs the hell out of me. If I can get to any, I will post and let everyone know.
Speaking of Vampi, I have now posted all 50 of the cards I did for the incentives in my Sketch Card Galleries section. Enjoy the walk through.
Lots of cool things coming up in the next few months and I'm looking forward to sharing.
Until then...
Warren Martineck

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