Casual Friday #29

If your somewhere in the world that doesn't get the news that happens in my region, the New England area of the States got blasted with an extremely early Winter storm. Due to the fact that most of the leaves were still in many overgrown trees long over due for trimming and upkeep, in which you'd think the power company would have learned from the last storm that came through, many many branches and trees came down from the weight on the limbs and took many many power lines and utility wires along with them. Most of our state has been without power for a week and some areas are still without.
Although I got my power back, and eventually had my internet/cable line replaced the other day, it was a long week in which I wasn't able to get much work done. The daylight hours were spent outside clearing trees and brush from around the house and then try to get some drawing done by flashlight at night. ...and not very successfully. But with a clip board in hand, myself wrapped in a big puffy blanket, and sitting on the couch in front of the windows, I did this quick Casual Friday piece of an Orc. It was drawn on Friday but I haven't been able to post it until now.
I remebered drawing some Orcs back in the early 90's and not really liking them and thought I'd like to relax for 20 minutes and see what I could do now. I've posted an old photo copy of one of those old Orcs. I believe it was in color and probably will ink and color up this new Orc when I get the chance. IF I get the chance that is. I've been adding more and more work lately and with other domestic projects on the near horizon, I may be finding less and less time to do extra stuff. Unfortunately that may include commissions. Sorry to those hoping to get something anytime soon, but we'll see.
So here they are. The old Orc from 91', and the new Orc from the other day. This one isn't a soldier, he's more of the carrier / pack mule / laborer type of Orc.
Warren Martineck

Reader Comments (2)
How about a little Avengers teaser Warren!
Sure. I can post my Avengers sketches. I needed to check as I thought I had them posted but sometime this week I'll get hem up.