Star Wars Is To Blame For All This.

I came across this old photo of myself and a good chuckle was had. I'm guessing around 16 yrs old, surrounded by a little hobby I used to have. I was one of those Star Wars nuts. I had all the Star Wars toys, every action figure, trading card, art book, toothbrush and whatever else they made, I owned it and had it displayed. I also started collecting the Star Wars comic title. (1. seed planted)
There was a collectables dealer at a local indoor flea market near my house. He had all the rare and hard to find Star Wars stuff and I spent so much time there that he finally just hired me and put me to work. (He knew he couldn't get rid of me and I took merchandise for payment.)
He and his wife owned a comic shop in town and I eventually started working there as she needed more help. (2. seed watered) I was able to complete my Star wars Comic run and being exposed to all those other comics, I started reading and collecting other titles. (3. seed fertilized)
Before I knew it I was working comic conventions for the shop and meeting all these new people and cool comic artists. One con in particular, we were set up right next to Mike Zeck. I got to talk with him all day about his job and whatever else. Really nice guy and I came to realize that comics could be a viable career. (4. seed growth) Which was good because I was also one of those kids that had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.
After awhile, I quit the comic shop, (and eventually quit my next job at McDonalds) and ventured off to cartooning school.
Thats how it all started.
in a really tight pair of jeans....
Any and all comments on the picture are welcome.
Warren Martineck
Reader Comments (5)
That picture is adorable! Makes me want to dig out my Princess Leia Cinnamon Bun Costume picture from the Star Wars party my mom let me throw in our basement, from about the same time.
Oh, and a very impressive collection!
...mmmmm, Cinnibuns.
It always comes down to food for artists, doesn't it? :)
I have to say - this picture rocks. You're taller and older than the last time I saw you. Or maybe it's cuz the jeans are up so high? ;)
Don't tempt me to scan our kindergarten picture.
Double Dog Dare Ya.