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Back To The Drawing Board

   6:00 Sunday morning, dark cloudy and rainy and the bed felt so warm and comfortable, but I pulled myself out and got ready for hopefully a productive day of drawing. I'm sitting here writing this while drinking down a strong cup of tea out of my trusty 20 oz Bubba Keg waiting to wake up a bit more before starting. For awhile now I've been sticking to taking at least one day off a week, usually a Saturday or Sunday to spend with the fam and yesterday was it. Today they're on their own and I need to get back to Fantastic Four sketches as this is the last big push before I need to send the cards all back to Rittenhouse.  
    It's been a slow news week but I've been busy nonetheless. I've put myself on an advanced deadline crunch as the sooner I finish these the sooner I can start on my next project which I really need to get a good jump on. It gets that way around here a lot. As exciting as new announcements are, news worthy posts,  some really cool press or whatever, there is a lot of downtime in the studio when you have to do nothing else but sit down and actually draw all this stuff. It's time consuming and (if your not in the right state of mind) sometimes a bit tedious too.    
    Lack of motivation or the drive to keep going is not easy to come by sometimes when you're your own scheduling boss and you don't have someone standing directly over you shoulder asking about it.  A problem, I think,  some freelancers easily succumb to and get themselves into trouble with. Although I never missed a deadline, I had that problem for awhile a few years back and found that to be my least productive period. I go out of my way now not to let that happen again. 
   Caffeine is working it's way through my system now and I think it's time to get to work.


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