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Obligatory Studio Tour

  So, it's 5:00 in the morning, can't sleep, too many thoughts about the day ahead, wife's awake too and there's that all too familiar feeling of knowing you'll never get back to sleep in time to salvage an "awake working day".  I know extra food and caffeine will be on the menu today. So I've decided to drag my butt downstairs and make a post figuring this shouldn't take much thought. ...and here it is; the obligatory studio tour.
 C'mon, you knew it was coming. 
What better way to start a Tuesday than to take the nickel tour of the studio, also known around the house as the Dungeon. Four walls, a door, and a window to nowhere. I redid my basement a few years ago and fit a room in where I could for my studio so my wife could use the extra room upstairs for her office.
 Nothing too elaborate, fairly simple and cozy. Drawing table, a computer and phone to keep me connected to the outside world, and a stack of comics. The only thing high end in this room is my chair. Best advice I could give, keep your butt happy. 

 If you've ever wondered about those comic box drawers, they are awesome. No more back breaking to get to the bottom box... another must. 
 The window actually goes to the next room. (My work shop) Call it a wacky thing but I just thought the room was incomplete without it. Now, although I need constant media stimulation, there's no TV in the room! Way too visually distracting for me but I do have the TV speakers piped in.
The walls are covered in posters and images only because that's what I thought a comic studio should look like. It's not really my style, I had to work at it to make it look this crappy. (That's another post for another time)    
End of tour, off to caffeinate myself now.


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