Entries by Warren Martineck (143)



 Well, New Years came and went pretty

fast. It's always been a time for reflection and remembrance, good things to come, blah blah blah and all that stuff. The way I see it, it's really just a point on the calender that most people use as a time to finally let hope for a better future sink in and flush the toilet of the past years crap. I try to do that at the end of every month. Other than a few bumps my year wasn't that bad, but it's still nice to have that little extra feeling that this year will even be better. 
  Things do look pretty good for this year and I can't wait to dive right in. I've been working pretty hard at getting back into comics after taking some time off from it (way too much time, my mistake) and the work has been paying off. I'm currently doing some pencils and inks on a comic for Beau Smith that will probably coming out this year, I've just finished up some Inking work on the Phantom book for Egmont, and I've got another comic job I'm working on to get off the ground. It's just feels so good to get back to story telling again and working on board larger than 2.5" x 3.5". 
  "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" For all my Trading card fans, although I have been trying to cut back on Sketch card work (with all the new releases of older sketch sets I've worked on it doesn't seem that way) it looks like I'll still be working on at least one set or maybe 2 here and there which will probably be comic related.  There is still a Star Trek set yet to be released with sketches I did for it. Maybe this year. 
 You know who you are - Thanks to all for the emails and kind words throughout the year. I've got better things planned and can't wait to show you. 

Heres to finding enough time to get everything done.

Warren Martineck    


The Sketches From 20,000 Fathoms, or Sinbad And The Eye Of The Sketch Cards.

In amongst the myriad of Sketch card sets I did for Strictly Ink about a year ago, all very low numbers, was one of my favorites to work on; The Ray Harryhausen Collection. Now those sketches are being released by Strictly Ink but not in a Harryhausen set like I was hoping. They are being released in the Strictly Yearset 2008 Edition along with a few lingering sketches from my 2000 AD cards and a few Hammer Horror sketches. I don't know the details of why the set couldn't get released but at least the sketches have been made available for the fans to get. Here at my ComicSpace Page, I've posted all 22 cards. Enjoy.


Warren Martineck


Studio Journal Entry #3: Somewhere To Put My $#!T.

     I have a very happy studio right now. After a very long backorder and wait, my new filing system is in and working it's magik mojo.  It started with a trip to Sears with a mission in mind and a tape measure in hand and now I have very little in the way of "piles of crap" to step over. 
  Yes thats a Craftsman tool chest with all my frequently used art supplies and all my pads ands paper. Who needs to spend gads of cash on specialty flat files, when for half the price and twice the coolness, you can roll one of these babies around your office. 
  Due to the size of comic pages, I really wanted this specific one because of it's dimensions. Now I've got a nice safe place to store all my originals with easy access to everything I need.    

Highly recommended.

Well that was too long between posts. Holidays and all that work stuff, blah blah blah. 


New Releases: Killer Space Robots and Stretchy Heroes


   There are 2 new releases in the past 2 days. The first, which started shipping yesterday, is the Doctor Who Big Screen Additions Collection from Stricktly Ink. This Dr. Who set is based around the two 60's movies, "Dr. Who and the Daleks" and "Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 A.D." This was another Stricktly Ink set I drew awhile back and, like their other releases, only did 22 cards for the set. (I'll post the gallery soon and update this as well here) 

  The other set out today is the Fantastic Four Archives set released from Rittenhouse Archives,  who I must say, have really been knocking the comic sets out of the park lately. This new one really looks top quality. The sketch artists have gotten a lot better, must be all the practice. I have all 150 of my cards in a gallery on my ComicSpace page

  (Ahhhh, caffeine is just starting to kick in.... what a wonderful feeling)  

Speaking of Sketch Cards, I've finally started cataloging the entire backlog of sets that I've worked on. Holy crap!, I've drawn a lot of cards. Over the years, (since 97-98) between what I've photocopied, scanned, tracked down, downloaded, and aquired with a little help from fans (Special thanks to Tialessa) I've been able to get a really good archive of most of the cards I've drawn. It's taking a bit longer than I planned but my computer will be happy once I've cleared it of all those image files and I'll be happy to get these sketches behind me.

Talk soon.



     These things happen. Cram and cram to get work done in time to start the next project only to discover the project gets pushed back some or put on hold and find yourself with a bit extra time on your hands. So to fill that down time and answer some of the requests I've gotten lately, I'm opening up the commission schedule for an extremely limited time with a very limited number of slots starting right now.  First come first served and for how long I take commissions depends on the schedule.
This here Vader was one thats been on the back burner for awhile but just had the chance to get to it. 

  Also available, as I've had a few emails asking about these too, the MartineckArt Redemption cards.  These Redemptions are for anyone that can't get a sketch card right now or want to give a sketch as a present or just doesn't know what to order. (Big for Secret Santas) These are good for any type of sketch card, Penciled, Inked, Colored, and even for Scene cards. Give them as a present and they can be redeemed anytime. More info on Sketch Card Commissions can be found on my SketchCard Page