How-To #2, CECE Promo Card #2

Monday morning; 5:30.
Seeing as how I need to send out the finished artwork for the promo card this week, I needed to stop what I was working on and jump on this. As I mentioned in the previous CECE post, I'm going to post the process from start to finish and try to do it in real time.
I've been thinking about the subject of the card for most of the weekend (while finishing up other work and doing all those weekend family functions) and wracking my brain about the what to draw.
Then I noticed that Larry Elmore is going to be at the show and I got all excited and had flashbacks of my old D&D days. It was a time when I was seriously getting into art, planning on going to art school, and was visually absorbing any cool artwork like a sponge. There was a book I picked up of the Art Of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and I couldn't put it down. It was 120+ pages with 5 main artists work and a dozen or so other artists contributions. Larry was one of the artists and one of my favorites. His snow scenes were amazing.
So, in honor and with a juiced renew for some fantasy, I thought I'd do a fantasy based card. Which works well because I have been developing a character on those lines (Shard) and most of the thought process and work is already done. You can see a bit of that development here in my Lightning Whip post.
I got up this morning about 4 am (not by choice) and couldn't wait to get down to the studio to start and work out some of the images I had in my head. So I did some thumbnails and I think, or I thought, I got what I needed as you can see from the scan. I was going to go with the bottom right image, the last one I drew, of Shard facing towards the camera with destruction and dead giants or Firbolgs behind him.
Then I went back over the lower lower left image (of Shard facing the destruction) with some blue line, to help show what I drew, just for the blog. I knew what it looked like but I'm sure it would just look like scribbles to somebody else and thought this would make it easier for everyone to see it better. In doing so, I realized I liked the look of that one too, and maybe even more than the one I decided on.
So I'm off for some caffeine and breakfast and to think about, again, which one to do.
Warren Martineck