Happy New Year / Studio Journal Entry #5

It may be a belated "Happy New Year" to the rest of you but for me it came over the weekend. No, I don't have a hang over, but I do finally have that feeling of a definitive ending and clear beginning. It's something that I found to be a rare occurance as a Freelancer with jobs, life, and all the stuff on your "to do" list that seems endlessly intertwining. But, this past weekend was wonderfully different.
I've been working on the Marvel 70th Anniversary card set for the past few months researching, referencing, and rendering 150 Sketch card case incentives. Although I was hoping to get them done by the end of the year, On the whole, this retrospective of a card collection was coming out really good (if I do say so myself) and I didn't want the last few to look rushed. But I finally finished them up and shipped them off this weekend.
I didn't have a pressing follow-up job that I might have been already late in starting, albeit I was working on putting something together, so this gave me the chance to get to my year end office work.
My computer desperately needed a cleaning and I spent most of one morning and a lunch time filing, burning, transferring, and trashing over 2000 files. Posted here for more on that process.
(would "Bi-annual" mean twice a year or once every 2 years?)
Weekends off are tiring.
So now I'm sitting here in a perfectly clean and organized space ready to take on the challenges of a new year. That even sound better since some of my caffeine has started kicking in.

Here's to a good start for the New Year and I hope yours will be safe and prosperous.
Warren Martineck